Front Matter
Stephen Hawking: Brane New World
Edward Witten: Gauge Theory and Gravity
Edward Witten: Easing Into QFT
Andrew Strominger Open String Creation by S-brane
Sergio Ferrara: Duality, Gauging and SuperHiggs Effect in Stringand M-theory
Tohru Eguchi, Kazuhiro Sakai: Seiberg Witten Curve for the E-String Theory
Louise Dolan, Chiara R. Nappi: Strings and Noncommutativity
Eric D'Hoker, D. H. Phong: Lectures on Two-loop Superstrings.
Eric D'Hoker, I. Krichever and D. H. Phong: Seiberg-Witten Theory, Symplectic Forms, and Hamiltonian Theory of Solitons
Zhi-zhong Xing: Quark Mass Hierarchy and Flavor Mixing in Orbifold Models
S. Gukov: M-theory on Manifolds with Exceptional Holonomy
R. P. Thomas: Stability Conditions and the Braid Group
Rong-Gen Cai: Some Remarks on Constant Curvature Spaces
Shinobu Hosono: Fourier-Mukai Partners and Mirror Symmetry of K3 Surfaces
Shinobu Hosono: Counting BPS States via Holomorphic Anomaly Equations
Yi-hong Gao: Symmetries, Matrices, and de Sitter Gravity
Miao Li: Correspondence Principle in a PP-wave Background
Bin Wang: Support of dS/CFT Correspondence from Spacetirne Perturbations
Chang-Jun Gao, You-Gen Shen: Quintessence Cosmology in the Brans-Dicke Theory
Xian-Hui Ge, You-Gen Shen: Entropy in the NUT-Kerr-Newman Black Holes due to an Arbitrary Spin Field