Geometry and Analysis(Vol.II)(几何与分析)(第II 季理真 高等教育出版社


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商品名称:Geometry and Analysis(Vol.II)(几何与分析)(第II卷)

The launch of this Advanced Lectures in Mathematics series is aimedat keeping mathematicians informed of the latest developments inmathematics, as well as toaid in the learning of new mathematicaltopics by students all over the world. Each volume consists ofeither an expository monograph or a collection of signify cantintroductions to important topics, This series emphasizes thehistory and sources of motivation for the topics under discussion,and also gives an overview of the current status of research ineach particular field. These volumes are the first source to whichpeople will turn in order to learn new subjects and to dis coverthe latest results of many cutting-edge fields inmathematics.

This book contains many substantial papers from distinguishedspeakers of a conference 'Geometric Analysis: Present and Future'and an overview of the works of Professor Shing-Tung Yau.Contributors include E. Witten, Y.T. Siu, R. Hamilton, H. Hitchin,B. Lawson, A. Strominger, C. Vafa, W. Schmid, V. Guillemin, N. Mok,D. Christodoulou. This is a valuable reference that gives anup-to-dated summary of geometric analysis and its applications inmany different areas of mathematics.

Front Matter
Part 3 Mathematical Physics, Algebraic
Geometry and Other Topics
The Coherent-Constructible Correspondence
and Homological Mirror Symmetry for Toric Varieties
  Bohan Fang, Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu, David Treumann and Eric Zaslow
  1 Introduction
  2 Mirror symmetry for toric manifolds
  3 T-duality
  4 Microlocalization
  5 Coherent-constructible correspondence
  6 Examples
Superspace: a Comfortably Vast Algebraic Variety
  T. Hubsch
  1 Introduction
  2 Off-shell worldline supermultiplets
  3 Superspace, by construction
  4 The comfortably vast superspace
A Report on the Yau-Zaslow Formula
  Naichung Conan Leung
  1 Yau-Zaslow formula and its generalizations
  2 Yau-Zaslow approach
  3 Matching method
  4 Degeneration method
  5 Calabi-Yau threefold method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
  6 Conclusions
Hermitian-Yang-Mills Connections on Kahler Manifolds
  Jun Li
  1 Introduction
  2 Donaldson-Uhlenbeck-Yau theorem
  3 Hermitian-Yang-Mills connections on curves
  4 Hermitian-Yang-Mills connections on surfaces
  5 HYM connections on high dimensional varieties
  6 Concluding remark
Additivity and Relative Kodaira Dimensions
  Tian-Jun Li and Weiyi Zhang
  1 Introduction
  2 Kodaira Dimensions and ber bundles
  3 Embedded symplectic surfaces and relative Kod. dim. in dim. 4
  4 Relative Kod. dim. in dim. 2 and brations over a surface
Descendent Integrals and Tautological Rings of
Moduli Spaces of Curves
  Kefeng Liu and Hao Xu
  1 Introduction
  2 Intersection numbers and the Witten-Kontsevich theorem
  3 The n-point function
  4 Hodge integrals
  5 Higher Weil-Petersson volumes
  6 Faber’s conjecture on tautological rings
  7 Dimension of tautological rings
  8 Gromov-Witten invariants
  9 Witten’s r-spin numbers
A General Voronoi Summation Formula for GL(n; Z)
  Stephen D. Miller and Wilfried Schmid
  1 Introduction
  2 Automorphic Distributions
  3 Vanishing to in nite order
  4 Classical proof of the formula
  5 Adelic proof of the formula
Geometry of Holomorphic Isometries and Related Maps
between Bounded Domains
  Ngaiming Mok
  1 Examples of holomorphic isometries
  2 Analytic continuation of germs of holomorphic isometries
  3 Holomorphic isometries of the Poincar e disk into
bounded symmetric domains
  4 Measure-preserving algebraic correspondences on irreducible
bounded symmetric domains
  5 Open problems
Abundance Conjecture
  Yum-Tong Siu
  0 Introduction
  1 Curvature current and dichotomy
  2 Gelfond-Schneider’s technique of algebraic values of solutions
of algebraically de ned di erential equations
  3 Final step of the case of zero numerical Kodaira dimension
  4 Numerically trivial foliations and brations for
canonical line bundle
  5 Curvature of zeroth direct image of relative canonical and
pluricanonical bundle
  6 Strict positivity of direct image of relative pluricanonical
bundle along numerically trivial bers in the base of
numerically trivial bration
  7 Technique of Nevanlinna’s rst main theorem for proof of
compactness of leaves of foliation
Sasaki-Einstein Geometry
  James Sparks
  1 Sasakian geometry
  2 Constructions of Sasaki-Einstein manifolds
  3 Obstructions
  4 Sasaki-Einstein manifolds in string theory
A Simple Proof of the Chiral Gravity Conjecture
  Andrew Strominger
Geometry of Grand Uni cation
  Cumrun Vafa
  1 Introduction
  2 Standard model and gauge symmetry breaking
  3 Flavors and hierarchy
  4 Uni cation of gauge groups
  5 String theory, forces, matter, and interactions
  6 F-theory vacua
  7 Applications to particle physics
  8 Further issues
Quantum Invariance Under Flop Transitions
  Chin-Lung Wang
  1 Introduction
  ops: Genus zero theory
  3 Calabi-Yau ops
The Problem Of Gauge Theory
  Edward Witten
  1 Yang-Mills equations
  2 Classical phase space
  3 Quantization
  4 Nonperturbative approach
  5 Breaking of conformal invariance and the mass gap
Part 4 Appendices
Shing-Tung Yau, a Manifold Man of Mathematics
  Lizhen Ji and Kefeng Liu
  1 Childhood and early school education
  2 Middle school and college
  3 Graduate school
  4 Professional career
  5 Major contributions to mathematics
  6 Visits to China
  7 Research centers and mathematics institutes
  8 ICCM
  9 Conferences and popular mathematics programs
  10 Mathematics and Chinese literature
  11 Family, friends and students
  12 Summary
Perspectives on Geometric Analysis
  Shing-Tung Yau
  1 History and contributors of the subject
  2 Construction of functions in geometry
  3 Mappings between manifolds and rigidity
of geometric structures
  4 Submanifolds de ned by variational principles
  5 Construction of geometric structures on bundles and manifolds
A Survey of Calabi-Yau Manifolds
  Shing-Tung Yau
  1 Introduction
  2 General Constructions of Complete Ricci-Flat Metrics
in Kahler Geometry
  3 Moduli and Arithmetic of Calabi-Yau Manifolds
  4 Calabi-Yau Manifolds in Physics
  5 Invariants of Calabi-Yau Manifolds
  6 Homological Mirror Symmetry
  7 SYZ geometric interpretation of mirror symmetry
  8 Geometries Related to Calabi-Yau Manifolds










