《英语同声传译教程》以同声传译技能为主线安排教程的框架,突出强调同声传译训练的技能性原则;以口译专题(如经贸合作、知识产权、文化交流、科技创新等)来安排练习的内容,突出强调同声传译的实践性原则;以全真会议录音为训练材料,突出强调同声传译训练的真实性原则。 |
前辅文 |
仲伟合,广东外语外贸大学副校长、博士、教授、翻译学博士生导师。曾先后留学英国、美国。目前兼任国务院学位委员会“全国翻译硕士专业学位教育指导委员会”副主任委员、教育部高校外语专业教学指导委员会委员、全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语专家委员会委员、中国翻译工作者协会常务理事、专家会员、广东省翻译协会副会长、广州翻译协会、广州科技翻译协会副理事长、广州外事翻译协会副会长等。国家级精品课程“英语口译(课程系列)”主持人、广东省高等教育教学名师、广东省杰出留学归国青年创业之星、全国优秀教师及广东省青年“五四”奖章获得者。曾为多位国家、省市领导人及外国国家元首、政商耍人等担任口译工作,从上个世纪90年代开始,已担任数百场国际会议的同声传译工作。已主编出版国家级规划专业口译教材两部、其他著作、辞典等多部,在《中国翻译》等学术期刊发表论文50余篇,承担多项省部级科研项目。 |
“十一五”国家规划教材 |
这是国内第一部系统介绍同声传译的教材;教材编写以同声传译技能为主线,突出技能介绍的系统性;教材编写突出材料的真实性,选用的分析及实践材料均为全真会议资料,大部分资料是会议的全真录音;教材编写突出同声传译的实践性,每一单元选用全真的会议资料(录音)作为实践材料,强化技能的介绍;教材编写突出最新同声传译理论研究的新成果,书中的许多理论观点为近年的科研成果或国内外最新研究成果。 |
Before I conclude, let me tel! you a little secret. And I learnt this secret in visiting thelibrary of the WTO. There is in this library an apocryphal and funny Secretariat guide to thelanguage of trade negotiators in the old GATT. Now this guide tells you that, in those years,when negotiators said \"Mr Chairman, we seek a balanced agreement\", what they really meantwas \"this agreement had better contain everything we demand\"; when the negotiators saidin those times \"we have demonstrated flexibility\", they really meant \"we have successfullyconcealed our intransigence\"; and when the negotiators announced \"we are prepared to makeour contribution to an ambitious outcome\", they really meant \"we will only support agreementswhere others make all the concessions, and we make none\"! This attitude, as we all very wellknow, is part of our past. This is the past because today, what we really need are negotiators that are bold, open-minded and prepared to take some risks, as successful shareholders and stakeholders do it.Ministers, we all know that, often face the difficult task of explaining to national constituenciesthat they gain something in negotiations, even if the negotiating process is not over. The manypeople who benefit from open trade are usually politically silent, whereas those fewer whoare affected by opening trade are politically much louder. So we all understand the need ofeach and every delegation to take home some gain from trade negotiations to rebalance thisasymmetry between winners and losers. The reality is that the true magic of these negotiations is to achieve results where allparticipants are winners, all will be able to declare victory. But for that, some risks have tobe taken. A popular Chinese proverb says \"If you dont go into the cave of the tiger, how willyou get its cub?\" —— in other words: nothing ventured, nothing gained. |